Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Submit Blog to Social Networks with Followers Gadget.

Blogger introduced the Followers gadget in late August 2008 and it was a great success. You could instantly sign up to follow a blog and read the updates in The Reading List on your Dashboard and in your Google Reader.

In February 2009 they began the process of integrating the gadget with Google Friend Connect. While Followers was restricted to Blogger with Friend Connect you can follow any site or blog that has Friend Connect in it. You can use any one Google account, a Yahoo, AIM or OpenID account to follow sites or blogs.

One little known feature of Friend Connect or Followers gadget is that you can submit the page you are on to any social networking site. Thus there is no need to add separate social networking icons below each post. To do this just click "Invite Your Friends" link in the Followers/Friend Connect gadget on the site you are on. See arrow in picture below :

This will open a popup window. Click the Share tab in the popup window as shown in picture below :

Click on the link for any of the following social networks :

  1. MySpace
  2. Facebook
  3. twitter
  5. Digg
  6. Fark
  7. StumbleUpon
  8. Live Spaces
  9. Mixx
  10. Reddit
  11. Buzz Up!
  12. Technorati
  13. FriendFeed
  14. Propeller
  15. Newsvine
  16. Xanga
  17. LinkedIn
  18. Blinklist
  19. Furl
  20. Magnolia
  21. Blogmarks
  22. Slashdot
  23. Faves
  24. Simpy
  25. Yigg
  26. Current
  27. Meneame
  28. Diigo
  29. Funp
  30. Hugg
  31. Kirtsy
  32. Sphinn

You will be prompted to login and once you have Registered or logged in just click Submit to Share what you are looking at with all your friends. You can do this to Twitter or Digg your own posts and thus increase traffic to them.
Share on Myspace

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